WET PROCESSING The Goldlands Trommel Scrubbers are engineered to wash and separate its process volumes efficiently and expeditiously, using interior spirals to lift and direct the material froward. The bank ore enters the grizzly/hopper wherein a high pressure water sprays hits the process material, slurrying it into the slowly rotating scruber ( 8 RPM). As it churns its way forward, lifting and falling via the spiralling flights, the saturated volume enters a section of high density boom chains which thrash the volume, breaking any conglomerated clays and minerals. Upon exit, the washed and separated ore is now ready for precious metals and gemstone concentration.
DRY PROCESSING Where water is scarce, the material to be processed can be fed, dry. In this Goldlands' Scrubbing Unit, the boom chain compartment length is increased and the volume is hit continuously to adequately break apart clumped and consolidated volumes.
GOLDLANDS Trommel Scrubbers
TRANSPORTATION OF TROMMEL MINERAL SCRUBBERS The Goldland Trommel Scrubbers are mounted on highway trailers for ease in shipping both to and on the mining claim or concession. The units can also be skid mounted if the unit is to be stationary on the mining property.
TROMMEL AND SCRUBBER SIZES Goldlands manufactures various trommel sizes and specifications to accommodated the custom production goals of the mining operation. Trommel 30, 50 and 100 process the accommodating tonnage per hour, while Trommel Plus scrubs from 100 to 300 Tons per hour.